The Complete Guide to the Amsterdam Red Light District

by Chris Heckmann
Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam’s Red Light District is the world’s premier red light district. If you’re headed to Amsterdam and curious about the Red Light District, this page will provide you with a complete travel guide to the Amsterdam Red Light District and explain everything there is to know about the famous adult playground.  

Amsterdam is an incredibly popular tourist destination. And one of the main things people come to see is the famous Red Light District. The world’s oldest profession is on display in central Amsterdam, as well as so much more. So read on to see what the Red Light District is all about. 

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If you’re visiting Amsterdam for the first time make sure to read my Local’s Guide to Amsterdam and my Amsterdam travel tips for first time visitors first. Or if you’re considering a life in Amsterdam then check out my pros and cons of living in Amsterdam. Those pages go over Amsterdam in great detail, whereas this page is all about the Red Light District.  

Guide to Amsterdam’s Red Light District – The Basics

What exactly is the Amsterdam Red Light District?

The Red Light District is a section of the “de Wallen” (the Walls) neighborhood in central Amsterdam that is a designated area for prostitution and sexuality explicit shows, shops, and museums. Red light districts can be found in many cities around the world, including many other Dutch cities like Haarlem and Groningen. But none are as famous as Amsterdam. 

In the Red Light District, prostitution is legal and regulated. The sex workers occupy small “windows” where they basically just have a bed, a bathroom, and a window with a curtain. Customers knock on the “window,” which is really just a glass door, to initiate a business transaction. 

The Red Light District also has multiple sex shows and peep shows, where you can literally watch two people have sex or a woman perform a solo show as you sit in a room with total strangers. It’s as awkward as it sounds. 

Where is the Red Light District?

Amsterdam’s main Red Light District is right in central Amsterdam. It runs along both sides of the canal at Oudezijds Achterburgwal (herein referred to as “the main canal”), with little side streets here and there. Refer to the map below for the exact location.

I say “main” red light district because there are a couple other locations in the city with red light windows. These are just across the main canal at the Oude Kerk (considered part of de Wallen), a few blocks away on Oude Nieuwstraat, and at the south side of the city on Ruysdaelkade.

The alternate red light districts are not nearly as popular and as internationally famous, so from here on out we when I say “Red Light District” I’m referring to de Wallen neighborhood in the city center.

When is the Red Light District most busy? 

The Red Light District is most busy from about 10 PM to 2 AM. But it’s hard to say as it’s sort of seasonal with the sunset. Winters are darker and colder and things get going a little earlier. 

There are sex workers in windows throughout the day and night, but far fewer during the day, as you might imagine. The bars and museums in the Red Light District are open during the day, but the sex theaters are only open at night. 

Best time of year to visit Amsterdam’s Red Light District 

The Red Light District is happening all year round. Prostitution and sex shows never take a break. But one thing to consider if you really want the complete Red Light District experience is that the district doesn’t really get going until after dark.  

Amsterdam is located at about 53 degrees north, which means there’s a stark difference in sunset times between summer and winter. In June, the sun sets after 10 PM, making it light till almost 11. Oftentimes the best ladies won’t show up till it’s dark, so that means pretty late in the summer. Contrary to that, it’s pitch black by 5:00 in December, and the popular ladies tend to show up a bit earlier. 

Amsterdam Red Light District in daylight
The Red Light District at dusk

You will have to consider the weather though, as you’ll probably be outside most of the time when visiting the Red Light District. So for the best combination of decent weather and adequate darkness, October is probably the best month. 

Children in the Red Light District

It’s really not advised to bring your kids here. Even during the day. While there are plenty of awesome things to do in Amsterdam with children, this is not one of them. 

If it’s a tiny baby sleeping in a stroller that’s one thing, but any child that can walk really shouldn’t be seeing this. The Red Light District is an adult entertainment area and not intended to be seen by children. As a parent you can do whatever you want, but you should think hard about skipping the Red Light District if you’re with your kids.

History of Amsterdam’s Red Light District

Believe it or not, prostitution has not always been legal in the Netherlands. Amsterdam’s Red Light District traces its origins back to the 13 century, when prostitutes started showing up on account of all the male sailors and traders going through the nearby harbor. It was good business and de Wallen neighborhood became known as a place you could go to get lucky with a lady of the night. 

That is, until the Protestant Revolution took hold in the Netherlands. Prostitution was flat out banned in 1578. This didn’t stop it, or kill the de Wallen neighborhood. It just forced it underground. Not literally. But think of it like any prostitution in the United States or most countries where it is not legal. It still happens, just behind closed doors. 

Prostitution remained this way for about 200 years until Napoleon’s army invaded. The French soldiers really liked the Dutch girls apparently, and prostitution was made legal again. (This isn’t the only effect Napoleon had on the Netherlands, he also gave them their last names).  

It remained legal in Amsterdam when the French left, even if other parts of the country outlawed it again. But sexual freedom was not to last. Yet again, in 1911, prostitution was fully banned. 

This time, the prostitutes took their trade to the streets. Authorities pushed back and came to a compromise in the 1930s that the women could work behind mostly closed curtains with a red light inside that would be visible from the street. Thus, it became known as the “red light” district.

The future of the Red Light District

The modern Red Light District was born in 2000, when brothels and prostitution were fully legalized by the Dutch government. These days the curtains are fully opened with red lights blazing. If the curtain is closed, that means she is not open for business at the moment!

The future of Amsterdam’s Red Light District remains up in the air, though. There have been various movements since 2000 to move the district from de Wallen and make a special brothel building away from the city center in an attempt to discourage obnoxious tourists in de Wallen neighborhood. 

Most recently the Amsterdam City Council is proposing to build a high rise brothel in the south of the city near the RAI train station that they dub the “Amsterdam Erotic Center”. The red light windows would be moved there and made part of a large adult entertainment complex. Something similar to Nana Plaza in Bangkok, I presume. 

As of December 2023, however, Amsterdam’s famous Red Light District is still in the city center where it has been for 800 years. Many residents disapprove of the city’s proposed plans and it remains to be seen if the Erotic Center will ever actually get built. So for now, you will find all the fun stuff right where it’s always been.   

Things You Will Find and Things to do in the Red Light District

So what exactly can be found in the Red Light District? Is it just prostitutes in windows? We will get into that here, but the simple answer is no, there is much more to the Red Light District than just the sex workers. We will start with them, though. 


Amsterdam Red Light District girls in the windows
The main draw of the Amsterdam Red Light District for tourists is seeing the girls in the windows

Amsterdam’s Red Light District revolves around prostitution, as one would expect. There are about 350 prostitutes that work in the Red Light District. There are more sex workers that work in theaters and shows, so I’m just talking about the women who you can pay for sex here.   

The prostitutes work in small… let’s call them “studios”… that each feature a full height window – which is actually a door – with a red fluorescent light above the door. Inside, there is a small bed and bathroom and that’s about it. The studios are not super well-decorated or anything and surfaces will often be covered in plastic. They are utilitarian, made for business. 

Sex shows

The Red Light District also has numerous sex theaters / sex shows. These are small theaters you go in to see a live sex show. Yes, two people will actually be having sexual intercourse right in front of you while you sit in a dark theater surrounded by strangers. Sounds fun, right? 

The sex shows are more than just two people going at it, however. In fact, that’s usually just the conclusion of the show. It’s mostly female solo performers until then. The solo showgirls will do various adult themed performances, like holding a Sharpie you know where and drawing on a member of the audience.  

Casa Rosa Amsterdam
Casa Rosso is perhaps the most famous sex theater in the Red Light District

The oldest and most popular sex theater is Casa Rosso. They run shows continuously from 7 PM to 2 AM and charge 60 euros for 8 performances. You can enter and leave any time, as the performances just repeat about once an hour. Another popular sex theater is Moulin Rouge, which is a bit cheaper at 40 euros but only has 5 performances. 

You don’t need to book sex theaters ahead of time, but it’s best to go by at least an hour or two before you want to go to the show to make sure you get a ticket. 

Peep shows

You will also find a peep show in the Red Light District at the Sex Palace. Peep shows sound like something out of the 1920s, and they probably haven’t changed much from that. Throw a two euro coin in the machine and the window will clear up. You’ll then have a direct view of the performer, who is on a rotating circular bed with about 10 peep windows facing her. 

Sex Palace Amsterdam Red Light District
The Sex Palace is often busy with people trying to catch a peep show

The performances at the peep show are also mostly solo female performers, but there are sometimes couples too. The establishment lets you know who is performing at the time so you’re not surprised. 

Sex Palace also has private pornography viewing rooms, which is exactly as disgusting as you’re imagining. I guess it used to be popular before the internet. But I’d avoid those at all costs if I were you!

Sex stores

The Red Light District is also loaded with sex stores, i.e. adult entertainment stores. These stores sell mainly sex toys. You can find some pretty kinky stuff in these stores. If you’ve never been in one, it might be worth checking it out just to see what it’s all about. 

Sex museums 

There are two museums dedicated to adult entertainment in the Red Light District: The Erotic Museum and the Red Lights Secret Museum. The Erotic Museum is more of an exploration of sex and erotism, whereas the Red Light Secrets Museum is solely dedicated to educating you about the Red Light District in Amsterdam. 

Get entry tickets in advance for the Red Lights Secret Museum.

I recommend the Red Lights Secret Museum, while you can pass on the Erotic Museum. The Red Lights Secret Museum is the only museum in the world dedicated to prostitution and it will teach you a lot about the history of the world’s oldest profession in Amsterdam.  

Bars and cafes

The Red Light District is in central Amsterdam, so it’s loaded with bars and restaurants. But let’s reduce our reach to just the main canal in the Red Light District here. There are still tons of bars and some cafes, even if there are no proper restaurants sandwiched between red light windows. 

The bars on the main canal are some of the more grimey bars in Amsterdam. They’re usually loud, crowded, and often dirty. Throw in the number of 19 year old intoxicated British kids in them and it’s enough to make you want to grab a drink somewhere else. 

But I have to plug my favorite bar in the Red Light District, Cafe de Zeevaart. Right where the red light windows start, it’s the perfect place to sit and have a Heineken and watch random guys go into the doors across the canal. It’s the number one thing to do in the Red Light District in my book!


Explore the Red Light District on a walking tour with a guide. Walk past the first coffeeshop of Amsterdam and other outstanding parts of the historical Old Town

People’s houses

Amsterdam Red Light District main canal
People actually do live in these beautiful old Dutch row houses

You might be surprised to hear this, but people do actually live in the Red Light District. Like, literally right on top of the red light windows. If you think it’s a bit weird to be cooking dinner in your kitchen while a sex worker is doing her thing with an awkward tourist one level below you, then you’re not alone. But some people are now phased by this.

The old row houses on the main canal are gorgeous, in that typical traditional Dutch architecture. The houses and apartments are not cheap to rent or buy in this area. It would be a great location if it weren’t for the constant noise all night, and the shady characters the Red Light District tends to attract.  

Whatever your opinion is of the people who live here, just be respectful and don’t purposely disturb them. This is their home. 

Something you won’t find: strip clubs

If you’re wandering the streets of the Red Light District looking for a traditional strip club, you’re going to be severely disappointed. While the Red Light District has many things, girls giving lap dances in a dark club is not one of them.

When you think about it, why would there be strip clubs, though? It’s considerably cheaper in Amsterdam to have actual sexual relations with a sex worker than it is to go to any “VIP room” at a strip club in the United States or elsewhere and be teased. Though I’m sure if you asked, one of the girls would be happy to give you a little dance instead if that’s all you wanted!

How the Red Light District Works

Visiting the Red Light District is much more enjoyable if you know how it all works. So here we will go through who it is that works in the Red Light District, how they operate, and how to visit one of them, if that is your wish. 

The girls

Let’s start by talking about who these women are that work as prostitutes in Amsterdam’s Red Light District. But first, let’s get rid of the stigma about sex workers. No matter what you think about prostitution, it is legal and a thriving business here. 

Sex with clients is their job. They live perfectly normal (boring) lives outside of their work, just like you and me. Many of them are in committed relationships and they hang out with friends and travel just like any other young woman. 

Amsterdam Red Light District - what a girl might see inside the window
This image from inside the Red Lights Secrets Museum shows what a girl might see from the other side of the glass

Most of the women in the windows come from Eastern Europe and very few of them are actually Dutch. They usually work 8 hour shifts (with 8 PM to 4 AM being the most common shift) and they will take as many clients as they can get in that shift. 

Between clients they will stand behind the glass in thong bikinis or lingerie. Sometimes you’ll see them dancing or otherwise showing off their bodies. Sometimes you’ll also see them just sitting, on their phones usually, likely texting repeat clients or each other. 

A good one can get as many as 16 clients per day. It’s flabergasting to think of having sexual relations with that many different people in one day, but that’s life as a successful Amsterdam sex worker. A girl who gets this many clients can easily bring in over 2000 euros per day. When’s the last time you made that kind of money!?

The women are all extremely attractive, fit, and friendly. Part of the allure of going to one for many men is that many of these girls are basically perfect 10s, unattainable by conventional methods. One walk down the main canal and you’ll see what I mean. 

Visiting one of the girls

Even if you don’t plan on hiring one of the ladies, I still suggest you read this section just to know how it works. Again, I’ve never visited one of the ladies myself, other than just knocking on the window a couple times to see what they say, but this info is second-hand from a trusted friend, and not just hearsay. 

In Amsterdam, you initiate contact with the ladies. This is contrary to many other places in the world where sex workers will approach you and try to sell their services, like Bangkok or Las Vegas. In Amsterdam (and the Netherlands in general), it’s up to you. 

The ladies are essentially on display as you walk the streets and alleyways of the Red Light District. Sometimes they will tap on the window from inside and smile at you, especially if they see you looking at them, but that’s about as much salesmanship as they do until you go inside. 

When you find a girl you like, you make eye contact with her and go up to her door and she will open it up. Not all the way, more like crack the door to speak with you. She will say something to you like “hi, you come to Amsterdam for sex?” (Yes one of them really did say that) or something that gauges your actual interest. 

bed inside the Amsterdam Red Light District
This setup in the Red Lights Secrets Museum attempts to show what a bed might look like in one of the rooms

Once she’s determined that you’re serious about this, she will invite you in and close the curtain. The starting rate for a sex worker in Amsterdam is 50 euros. This gets you in the door and theoretically gets you sexual intercourse. Every girl has her own rules, but typically the 50 euros will just cover a couple minutes with no touching. Basically you just lay there until she says time’s up. 

This is where the extra charges come in. Everything after that is a negotiation and it depends on exactly what you want. If you want sensual contact and to finish on your terms, it will cost you extra. If you want round 2, it will cost you extra. Negotiate and be clear on the terms ahead of time, or you might end up getting suckered into paying hundreds of euros.

According to the Red Light Secrets Museum, the average time a man is inside with a sex worker is 6 minutes. These women are professionals and know exactly what they are doing. And in case you’re wondering, yes they do have condoms so you don’t need your own. 

Once the deed is done you get dressed and be on your way. She will freshen up then open back up the curtain and wait for her next customer. You’re nothing more than a client well served she’ll forget about tomorrow! 

Things I’ve seen in the Red Light District

One of my favorite things to do when friends visited was to go down to the Red Light District and grab beers at Cafe de Zeevart. From the bar you can see across the canal to four windows that are usually occupied after 9:00 PM. We’d all bet on which girl would get the next customer. Winner was exempt from buying the next round of beers. Sounds strange, but don’t knock it till you’ve tried it! 

view from cafe de Zeevart in Amsterdam
Having beers in the Red Light District
The Oude Kerk in Amsterdam
The Oude Kerk is a big attraction in the Amsterdam Red Light District

From that vantage point over the years I saw quite a few interesting things, such as:

  • An elderly man who was in there with a blonde girl for about 45 minutes (which is super long!).
  • A young guy who was with a girl for literally 2 minutes, barely enough time to undress and redress.
  • A group of 5 young guys all go in together and come out together about 20 minutes later.
  • An older guy visit one girl then go a few doors down to another.
  • One girl have four different guys in about a 45 minute span. 
  • And more!

Landlords and government regulations 

So how is all of this regulated? Do the girls own these little studios they work in? Let’s discuss all that here. 

First, the main reason that prostitution was legalized in the Netherlands is because the government figures it’s going to happen anyways, so might as well regulate and tax it. It’s far safer for the girls to have it legal than to have it underground with pimps and international human smugglers. 

The girls in Amsterdam do this voluntarily. There are no pimps taking all their money. Only the Dutch government and their landlords eat into their profits. They are each sole proprietors that essentially run their own business. 

The studios they use, however, are owned by separate individuals or corporations. The girls rent out the space on an hourly basis. It costs at least 100 euros for an 8-hour rental. The room rental is a business expense.

The girls pay taxes on their money just like anyone else living in the Netherlands. And given how much money they can make, they actually contribute significantly more than the average white-collar worker in Amsterdam. Although, with their payment method being cash only, who knows how much they actually report on their tax returns! 

red light rooms for rent in Amsterdam
Each individual room is for rent by the girls in the Red Light District

Red and purple lights

While you’ll see mostly red lights in the windows, not every light is red and it’s important to know what the other colors mean. If you see a purple (or blue) light at a window, this means that the sex worker is trans. There are a few purple and blue lights scattered around, but they are not on the main canal through the Red Light District.  

House Rules in the Red Light District

Now that we’ve gone over how the Red Light District works let’s go over a few things you can’t do. 

  1. No photos of the girls – you cannot snap photos of the girls in the windows. If you do and they see you, they will come out and beat your ass. You can take overall photos of the street and canal but under no circumstances should you point your phone directly at a girl. 
  2. No open container – this is new as of 2019, but you can no longer freely drink on the street in the Red Light District. This law was enacted to limit idiotic behavior from drunk tourists. So no beers in your hand as you walk the street. You will get a citation. 
  3. Don’t accept or buy drugs from anyone – this is more of a general safety rule. There are some shady characters that hang out on the street and try to sell drugs to drunk people. The drunker you are, the more pushy they will be. Never buy drugs from any of the street dealers in the Red Light District. You don’t know what you’re getting, so just don’t do it. 
  4. Cash only – the sex workers only accept cash. Do not go to them if you don’t have cash or can’t get cash from one of the many nearby ATMs.
  5. Do not be aggressive or violent towards the girls – this goes without saying, but you will get in trouble. There’s policemen everywhere in the Red Light District and they are looking out for the best interests of the girls, not for you. 

Other things to do in the Red Light District

We have already gone through the sex-related things to do in Amsterdam’s Red Light District. But there is much more to de Wallen neighborhood than just prostitution and sex shows. On the streets off the main canal you’ll actually find all sorts of great restaurants, bars, and other attractions. 

De Oude Kerk

De Oude Kerk (“the old church”) is the oldest cathedral in Amsterdam. Dating back to the 14th century, it’s one of the most architecturally impressive churches in Amsterdam, though it might pale in comparison to the cathedrals in places like Ghent or Cologne. 

The church is open daily from 10-6 and charges 13.50 euros for entrance. You can buy a ticket online ahead of time, but it’s not required. 

Borstplaat in Brons 

The Borstplaat in Brons is a nifty piece of street art from 1993 just outside de Oude Kerk. Borstplaat in brons literally means “breast plate in bronze”. It’s a tiny sculpture almost hidden in the cobblestone street that features a bust of a woman’s breasts with a hand touching the left breast. 

It’s a nod to the history of prostitution in Amsterdam and if you’re not on the lookout you’ll certainly miss it. The exact location is here. Just be sure to look down. 

Have a good meal

Houses on the canal in Amsterdam
One of my favorite Amsterdam restaurants is in one of these buildings on the water

There are a ton of great restaurants in and around the Red Light District. There are also some god awful restaurants. But if you follow my recommendations you’ll be sure to avoid the touristy overpriced restaurants full of mediocre food.

I’ve dedicated an entire article to Dutch food and you can find my top 10 restaurants in Amsterdam there. 

Have a craft beer 

Just off the main canal you’ll find the brewpub for Brouwerij de Prael, one of the best Breweries in Amsterdam. The brewpub serves great food and beer in a lively environment. Often full with tourists and locals alike, it’s a great place to get a taste of Dutch craft beer near the Red Light District. 

Get your smoke on

If you’re into marijuana, as you probably know already it’s legal and regulated in the Netherlands (just like prostitution!). The establishments where you can buy and smoke (or eat edibles) marijuana are known as “coffee shops” and they are all over the Red Light District. 

Just know that you can’t just openly smoke weed on the streets of Amsterdam. You must be at one of the coffee shops, on their terrace, or at a private residence. 

Take a tour

Being such a popular tourist attraction, there are a ton of companies offering tours of the Red Light District. The guides will teach you about the history of the district (though if you’ve read through this entire article you probably know more than them now!) and show you all the best spots. Some options on GetYourGuide are below.

Where to stay in Amsterdam

As you’ve gathered by now, the Red Light District can get pretty loud and stay loud all night. If you’re looking for a quiet night, the heart of the city center is not ideal. However, once you get outside the peak city center, it gets much quieter at night and there are tons of great hotels.

central Amsterdam canal
while central Amsterdam is no doubt gorgeous, it can also be loud if you’re a light sleeper

The bigger issue with choosing where to stay in Amsterdam is your budget. Hotels in the city can be really expensive. If you want to save a few bucks and still stay at a nice place, consider staying by Sloterdijk train station, especially the Mercure. Just 5 minutes away by train, the hotel prices are much more reasonable and it’s super easy to get into the city center. 

Where to stay in Amsterdam

Budget: The Flying Pig Hostel

Affordable: Mercure Sloterdijk

Mid-range: The Hendrick’s Hotel

Luxury: Andaz Amsterdam

Travel Insurance

When visiting Amsterdam you’ll want to have a quality travel insurance policy. We use World Nomads when we travel and can recommend them. You can find a great policy on World Nomads by using the link below. 

Amsterdam Red Light District – FAQs

How much does it cost in the Red Light District?

Visiting one of the girls in Amsterdam’s Red Light District cost at least 50 euros to get in the door. Everything beyond that is negotiable and it’s up to the girl to set the price. 

Can couples go to the Red Light District Amsterdam?

Many couples find the sex shows exhilarating to attend together. But that’s totally a decision for you and your partner. If you’re looking for a couples experience with a woman of the night, all you have to do is ask – and pay, of course.

What time do the girls come out in the Red Light District?

There are girls working in the Red Light District 24 hours a day (with the exception of 6-8 AM). But if you’re looking for the time when the most beautiful, most prolific girls come out, that’s usually between 8-10 PM, depending on the season. They come a bit later in the summer when the sun doesn’t set till past 10. 

What do Amsterdam’s 3 X’s mean?

Contrary to what some people might say, the XXX in the Amsterdam coat of Arms has nothing to do with sex or pornography. It actually represents 3 St. Andrews’s crosses. The symbol goes back well before XXX became internationally synonymous with pornography. 

Amsterdam Red Light District – Final Word

Amsterdam has the most famous red light district in the world. People come from all around the world to see the famous girls in the windows. But there are many things to do in the Red Light District even if you don’t want to visit a woman of the night.

Hopefully after reading through this guide to Amsterdam’s Red Light District you are prepared for an awesome time in the city! 

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